If you are in the market for a vehicle, you might be thinking about the perks of buying a used car. Even though it might not have that shiny, new feeling that you can get when purchasing a brand new vehicle, there are a lot of cost savings if you buy used.
One main thing that you might be concerned about when buying a used car instead of a new one, however, is the possibility that there is a mechanical issue or another problem that will cost you later on down the line. It's a smart idea to hire a mechanic to perform a vehicle inspection on the car before you take it home; these are a few reasons why.
Not All Problems Show Up Right Away
Obviously, before you purchase a used car, it is always a good idea to test drive it and to look it over carefully yourself. You should listen for any noises that sound as if there is something wrong with the car, and you should make sure that it handles, accelerates and stops smoothly. It is also a good idea to take a look at the body and underneath the hood of the car.
Although taking these steps can help clue you in to a potential problem with the vehicle, you should know that not all problems show up right away, especially to someone who does not know much about cars. Luckily, an experienced mechanic will know what to look for and can help clue you in to any problems that you might not be aware of.
Some Sellers are Good at Covering Things Up
Although you might want to think that your dealership would never sell you a lemon on purpose, you should know that some dealerships are good at covering things up. For example, some dealerships wash and even repaint cars to cover up rust and other potentially serious issues. A mechanic will know how to spot things that might have been covered up.
There May Not Be a Warranty
Although a newer, certified used car from a big-name dealership might come with a warranty, many other used cars do not. This means that if you don't catch the problem now, you will probably be the one on the hook to pay for it later. It is better to find out now rather than after you have signed on the dotted line.