How To Prepare A Roadside Emergency Kit

If you have ever been stranded on the road, you understand how frustrating it can be. It is even more stressful when you aren't fully prepared. In order to prevent this from happening again, get prepared with a roadside emergency kit.

Basic Auto Repair Tools

The first types of items that should be in your roadside emergency kit are auto repair tools. Even if you are not adept at fixing your car, it helps to have basic tools for tasks you can do, or that someone else can help with. If someone stops to help you change your tire, it helps to already have the tire jack. Some tools to have on hand include a shovel in case you get stuck in snow or mud, jumper cables, wrenches, and a small air compressor. Also have different types of fluids, including water and coolant, oil, brake fluid, and transmission fluid.

Personal and Healthcare Items

The next group of items to include in the roadside emergency kit are personal and healthcare items. These are items you might need in the event of an emergency, such as a vehicle accident or other type of injury. A first aid kit should always be in your car so you have access to bandages, antiseptic cream, gauze, and adhesive tape. Also include scissors, over-the-counter pain relievers, burn and bug bite ointments, and compresses. Other personal items to include are snacks like granola bars and energy bars, and bottled water. If you have young children, include diapers and wipes as well.

Comfort Items

It is a good idea to have items that will increase your warmth and comfort. You may break down in the middle of the winter season when you can't use the heat in your car or have to wait outside for the tow truck. In this case, it helps to have extra jackets or sweatshirts, blankets, and extra clothing and shoes for everyone in the family. If you often travel with your pets, bring along sweaters and beds for them as well just in case.

Additional Emergency Supplies

There are a few other supplies to include in the roadside emergency kit. First of all, if you need to cal a tow truck when your car brakes down, you should have some items that help them find you, such as traffic cones or reflective triangles. Also make sure you have a flashlight with extra batteries, and a fully-charged emergency cell phone. Prepaid cell phones are inexpensive and a good option as a backup cell phone.

All these items can make waiting for your car to be towed much safer and easier.  For more information about towing services, contact a company like Fredericktown Marathon.

About Me

get yourself out of the snow

With winter weather comes treacherous driving conditions. When you slide off of the road, do you know how to get yourself back out of the ditch and on the road again? Is there anything that you can do to avoid having to call a tow truck? On my blog you will find a list of things that you should keep in your car at all times during the winter and tips for effectively using each item. It is my hope that my years of experience digging cars out of the snow will help you get out safely and only call a tow when absolutely necessary.


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